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What is a flatbed cutting machine ? What are the characteristics? View:1009 times


What is a flatbed cutting machine ? What are the characteristics?What is flatbed cutting machine used for ? Let's  explore it.




In the  fact,Flatbd cutting machine use a large, flat work surface and an X-Y cutting head to cut, crease, slot, emboss, draw of materials such as paper, vinyl, cardboard, textiles, KT board,PP gum,clothing,acrylic, and other materials.

As an undisputed industry leader and innovator in advertisement cutting market, JWEI invented high-end digital flatbed cutting machine SCUTTER that provides reliable support for heavy industrial production and illustrates the powerful potentiality for cutting optimization in special applications. SCUTTER solution continues to innovate by increasing added value and it processes excellently all kinds of materials that are difficult to handle by using in combination with the 1.8KW router tool and Oscillating knife tool, such as thick acrylic, high-density foam, MDF,KT board, PVC sheet ,Corrugated board,Honey comb board,sticker,gray paper board and so on.





The characteristics of flatbed cutting machine

Superior speed
Equipped with the international advanced high-performance motion controller, of which serial processing speed of code entry is almost 10-15 times than other controller, SCUTTER delivers higher production capability at an acceleration of 2G, designed to create the best cutter in advertisement cutting market.

Superior precision
Latest cutting-edge techniques are used for the excellent SCUTTER workflow that yields superior precision up to D1mm of processing small circle, and it supports excellent-accuracy CNC cutting thanks to the high precision reducer of three arcminutes.

Superior hardness
The difficulty in cutting complicated materials has been removed absolutely by SCUTTER designed with three heads structure, which offers the solution most suited to handle high-density, high-precision, high-quality and shape-complex materials applied crafts of double V-cut, wonderful relief carving etc.


The above is the introduciton about theflatbed cutting machine.we have have still more ,if you want to know more information about the machine ,please you contact us, Wechat/WhatsApp +86 18368275009

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